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“Positive and stress-free experience”

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“Living far from my previous job and focused on finding a role in electronics that also aligned with quality and medical standards, I was contacted by the consultant of QTC Recruitment through LinkedIn.” Read how Androniki found her new job as a Quality Engineer with the help of QTC Recruitment.

Detailed insights

“From the first phone conversation, the consultant stood out by providing detailed information about the role and the company. QTC Recruitment played a crucial role in guiding me through the entire process, from explaining the job responsibilities and organisation culture to setting the stage for introductions.

Smooth communication channel

The initial interviews, conducted through Microsoft Teams and later on-site, allowed me to connect with the team leaders and members. The consultant’s involvement was evident from the beginning, helping me prepare for the interviews and offering insights into the technical aspects of the role. His follow-ups after each interview were thorough, ensuring a transparent and smooth communication channel between me and the hiring organisation.

The consultant also played a key role in salary negotiations, demonstrating a proactive approach to understanding and addressing my expectations. One standout moment was when he clarified with the company about the application of a hybrid model to my role, ensuring that I had a clear understanding of the working conditions.

No pressure

Throughout the collaboration, I appreciated the consultant’s direct communication style and his commitment to addressing any queries or concerns promptly. Unlike previous experiences with recruiters, there was no undue pressure, making the overall collaboration with QTC Recruitment a positive and stress-free experience.”

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