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“QTC Recruitment is aware of the organisation’s and my needs!”

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When QTC Recruitment reached out to David, it was initially about a role which wasn’t exactly what he was looking for at that moment. After some thorough conversations they knew what David was capable of and made a great match. Read his story here:

Got to know me

“When I got in contact with QTC Recruitment I wasn’t actually looking for a new role. The consultant and I talked about a role which in the end didn’t fit me perfectly. However, the consultant did a great effort to get to know me. We spoke a lot about the specific experience I have in the Food (Sciences) industry. My experience and skills have a very niche focus. The consultant thought my experience was very interesting. For that reason, he did not just want to give up on me and a possible collaboration. It was kind of an accident that we got in contact, but because of the pleasant conversation, I was intrigued by what QTC Recruitment could possibly offer me and open to maybe switching jobs.

Perfectly fitting role

The consultant returned to the organisation where he was working the initial role. The QTC Recruitment consultant and the organisation in the process discussed my unique profile. Together, they came up with a role as Regio Manager Commonwealth of Independent States, which might very much suit my skills and experience. The consultant explained to me how they saw me adding value to the organisation in that role. Indeed, it did fit me perfectly and I was eager to go on into the process because this sounded very interesting to me. It was obvious that the consultant was very aware of what the organisation’s needs were but also what my needs were.

Great mediator

The consultant made this process easy for me. The communication was very friendly and adjusted to my needs. Because the organisation basically changed the role for me, it took some time for the follow-up. This, however, wasn’t a problem for me because the consultant and I spoke on a regular basis. This made it clear to me in which stage the organisation was and why I needed to wait a bit more. Thereby, when the organisation did have a next step for me, the follow-up of QTC Recruitment was fast. My questions were answered quickly and in a clear way. The consultant also shared a lot of feedback and explained to me where the feedback came from. This was a pleasant manner of collaborating. The consultant acted as a real mediator. All in all, the process ended up in me getting the role I was eventually looking for combined with a smooth process. I’m very happy with how the process went and the contact that I had with QTC Recruitment during that process!”

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