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“To a satisfactory result with QTC Recruitment’’

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Premankur was enjoying his job in Germany when he got a call from QTC Recruitment. He got approached for the role of Senior Scientist Food Application Bakery. Since he was living in Germany at that time, he wasn’t that familiar with QTC Recruitment. Also, he wasn’t very well-known with recruitment agencies in general and did not know what to expect. Premankur looks back on his application process:

Starting professional

“I was actually very happy with the job I was active in when I received a call from QTC Recruitment. I have got a biochemical background and was looking into getting a job that had more to do with that background because my current job did not have that. I was also looking forward to bringing my ideas to a new organisation. The role that QTC Recruitment contacted me for consisted all of that. For that reason, I was enthusiastic to hear more about the role.

Comfortable and credible

Since I didn’t have much working experience yet and no experience with recruitment agencies, I didn’t know what to expect. But the collaboration really took me by surprise. At first, I felt like I needed to get to know QTC Recruitment. However, very soon I felt like I could speak freely and say whatever I wanted to say. The consultant made me feel comfortable and showed me that he is part of a credible party to work with.

Preparation during COVID

Next to my lack of experience in changing jobs, I also had to deal with the COVID restrictions. Me being in Germany and the possible new job in the Netherlands could run out into a pretty difficult situation if it wasn’t for QTC Recruitment. The consultant and I were in close contact about that. Whenever I had a question about the process during COVID time, I could reach him. The guidance when it came to preparation for the interviews was also very helpful. The consultant prepared me well which resulted in no unexpected questions at the job interview.

Perfect situation

Altogether, QTC Recruitment’s service meant for me that the only thing I needed to think about was what I wanted in a job instead of also having all the administrative hassle. It gave me the possibility to get aware of what I actually was looking for in my career. This perfect situation led to a very satisfactory result: my dream job. After this experience, I would definitely consider QTC Recruitment again when looking for a job.”

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