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"Surprised by the involvement and thoughtfulness"

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‘I had a permanent contract and was in no rush to leave my previous employer.’ Sanne was already working for five years at a local pharmacist as a Pharmacy Assistant before she was open to a new opportunity. She tells more about her switch thanks to QTC Recruitment.

Struggles in the organisation

‘There were some developments in the organisation. Five colleagues left and I ended up being the sixth person that left. There was a feeling of collective dissatisfaction at my previous employer. Despite adjustments in the labour agreement, the salaries stayed behind and on top of that there were some struggles within my team. Although the consultant of QTC Recruitment approached me a few months earlier for also the role of Pharmacy Assistant, I was not open to it. But her pleasant approach made me start to think about it.

Without being pushy

Via LinkedIn, the consultant sent me the vacancy of another Pharmacy Assistant role on Friday and on Monday she already gave me a call that she wanted to pitch me to the organisation on Wednesday. And this without being pushy. In fact, it was the contrary, when she first approached me and told me about the role and the organisation I was interested and open to talking some more. During our conversation, she was decisive, enthusiastic, and proactive. The consultant asked good questions to really figure out what would suit me.

Preparing together

When she pitched me to the organisation, she immediately came back to me saying they were enthusiastic about me. So, I was heading to the interview. Since I didn’t have a lot of experience with job applications, she made sure we did the preparation together. During the preparation, she thought along about questions which could be important for me to ask. This was with the aim to make sure I saw myself working there, instead of the other way around. The way she put me first, made me comfortable and confident throughout the process.

Taken by the hand

In the end, I was surprised by how involved the consultant was. She was always available for a phone call or thoughtful with a WhatsApp message. The experience is pleasant when you are taken by the hand, and there is somebody who is thinking along with you about your future. That way I also knew what I could ask from my next employer when it came to the conditions. It was not a standard of ‘hey I want to place you as soon as possible’, no it was whether I would see myself there and that will also benefit the organisation in the long term. QTC Recruitment even sent me a cake after my first day at work!’

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