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12 Steps to a successful career in the Life Science industry

When starting a new career, there are always aspects that applicants have never encountered. The absence of experience in what employers want and need from their employees can make applicants feel unqualified or lacking when applying. There are life science industry recruiters that specialize in the insights of both the employer and the potential employees.
“When starting a new career, there are always aspects that applicants have never encountered.“
The need to have direction and the feeling adequate gives applicants the confidence to apply for employment that has descriptions or qualification requirements that they may not fill. Recruiters can give breakdowns of what the employer is asking for in simpler terms for applicants. Applicants can then apply for employment that they know they do not have all the qualifications but have the education or experience to learn them.
1. Expertise
Know what you specialize in and make sure they know it in any of the application procedures such as resume and Letter of Interest. Specify what you do better than most other applicants in all areas such as on applications, resumes, letters of interest, and even ask anyone that writes a reference letter to include what they notice as special skills that should be noted.
2. Communication
Life science is the knowledge of data, the knowledge of how to get the data, and what to do with it. However, some people need to share their data and struggle with communication. There are ways to improve communication, such as starting with small groups and peers to gain the confidence that will be necessary for future employment.
3. Direction
Knowing the direction that is desired for a career can make it happen. Look at the current hobbies and interests that have caught and kept your interest before graduation or change of career to see what direction is appealing. These interests will show what was essential to provoke the curiosity that intrigued the life science interest then and give direction now.
4. Network
Having connections can be essential to a successful career. These fellow professionals can be other recent graduates, past employers, and mentors. It doesn’t matter how the professional became members of the network; they are priceless information and advisors. They can give practice interviews, suggestions, and do reviews to boost confidence and sometimes even refer to open opportunities.
5. Technology
Life science is a field that technological advancement is not possible to keep up with. There are some areas, such as breakthroughs, that should be kept up-to-date and consistent. Check out the company where the application is being posted and see what different aspects it is working on. The more you, the interviewee, know about the company, the more the interviewer knows you do excellent research.
6. Err is Real
Making mistakes, taking notes of what happened, and how is life science. So trying to be perfect can be a drawback and make a goal impossible to achieve. Any profession learns from its errors, but even more so in the area of life science, so don’t try to be perfect.
7. Education
Any science career is a learning profession. There is never too much education or experience. In life science, it is more difficult start a career before graduation because many roles need a Ph.D. or MD. However, there are roles for bachelor degrees while continuing education such as lab assistants, radiology technicians, and physician assistants. Check for exhibitions, conferences, and events to keep current.
8. Cover Letter
Be sure to take the time to do a cover letter and do them individualized for each position at each company. This is the first impression and shows the writing skills. Take the time to show why life science was chosen as a career and use bullets to specify the connection between what they are looking for and your qualifications.
9. Resume
Take the time to write out an extensive resume that has all the qualifications, experience, and education with dates, locations, and names. When it comes time to apply for a position at a company, take the extensive resume and tailor it to fit the specified requirements. Proofread it and keep personal details to a minimum.
10. Interview Practice
Research the company where the interview is located and if possible the interviewer(s). The company will most likely be found on the internet and have a website, but also run the company name on google to see blogs and news articles that are posted about it.
As for the interviewer, check google for individual articles about them, but also check for personally posted information like LinkedIn, Facebook, and Twitter. Be ready for interview questions that are both common for any employment and position-specific.
11. Location
When looking at life science as a career, it has to be noted that there are many locations that have a high need for different employment positions. When looking at the openings and positions that are available, not only is it important to consider what you are qualified for but also where the employment is located. Maybe moving to a larger area or a more relevant location will expand the chances of being hired in that perfect employment.
12. Competency
Life science is a field that has different roles. Prepare for questions to show abilities such as personal strengths and weaknesses. Tell them how well the position was made to fit you and your skills and education. However, they will ask questions to see if you are qualified, so be organized with information, responses, and on the schedule.
Your Career in Life Sciences
A career in life science leaves many options and choices with great opportunities for change. Make sure when it comes time to apply for employment that is employment that is going to shape your career in the desired direction.
Employers that are hiring know what they are looking for when they make the job posting, so show them they found it. Life science industry recruiters know more about what employers want, so don’t be afraid to see them for their expertise to direct you to get the perfect job.
These tips are a starting point for your life sciences career. QTC Recruitment can further assist and guide you to finding the perfect role for you in the life sciences industry. Check out our vacancies to get started.
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