Written by Rinesa - 5 Minutes reading time
Keep up with development in your career growth

In a world of instant gratification, it can be tempting to think that learning something new is a waste of time. But there are plenty of ways to stay on top of your game — and keep up with the latest developments in your field — without having to spend all day reading articles or attending conferences.
So how do you become a continuous learner you may ask?
Being a lifelong learner is not just about learning new skills. It’s also about learning how to learn, and how to be curious.
When you’re curious, you don’t just ask questions; you actually seek out answers. When you’ve found the answers that work for your situation, then write them down so that they can be referenced later on when another issue arises in your life or career path.
Being open-minded means accepting new ideas without judging them immediately because of where they come from or who wrote them down first (or last). It means taking a chance on something outside of what has already been tried before with success stories attached which will help guide us in making decisions about our own lives as well as those around us who might need guidance themselves but haven’t yet figured out how best navigate their own situations yet.”
Now that we know why and what you need to be a continuous learner, let’s examine the how!
1) Establish a TL;DR (to-be-learned) list.
A TL;DR (to-be-learned) list is a great way to make sure that you don’t forget something important. You can keep it on hand, or even create an app for your phone so that it’s always available when inspiration strikes.
What does this mean? When we’re looking for something, our brains naturally start working on the most obvious thing that comes to mind — and often, these ideas are just plain wrong! A good rule of thumb: if an idea has been used in multiple places before and hasn’t been effective yet (or worse yet — has actually hurt yourself), then chances are it won’t work either. That’s why keeping up with all of those quotes from favorite books or internet memes can be super helpful in avoiding getting trapped into bad habits like “starting” new projects based off old ones without thinking through them first!
An example: Let’s say someone suggested starting their own business by selling handmade jewellery online — they could probably sell their wares right now because they know how much demand there is out there already; however, since no one has ever done this before then nobody would buy anything except maybe one piece here or there which wouldn’t generate enough money back — meaning nobody else would ever hear about them again..
2) Attend workshops or webinars relevant to your industry.
Here is how you can maximise your webinar and workshop experiences;
Connect with people who are working in your industry.
Learn new skills and techniques.
Learn about new products, services, and technologies that can help you achieve your goals faster or more effectively than before.
Learn about new trends that could have an impact on the way you do business or interact with customers/clients (e.g., social media policies).
3) Read books relevant to your industry- and if you can’t how about a podcast?
Reading relevant books is a great way to learn. You can read a book that’s relevant to your industry and see how it applies to the work you do, or you can read a book that’s more general and apply what it teaches in your life. It all depends on what you have time for.
However, if there are no books out there about the topic at hand (or if they don’t interest you), then check out podcasts on the subject instead! Podcasts are great because they allow listeners with similar interests to talk about their favourite topics together — and sometimes even host Q&As with experts from universities who might have more specific knowledge than we do ourselves!
4) Keep up with current events in your industry.
If you want to stay on top of what’s happening in your industry, it is important that you keep up with current events.
Read industry publications — these can include magazines, newspapers and trade journals. They will have information about new products or services that are coming onto the market. You should also check out blogs written by people who work in your field; they may be able to provide insight into how things work at their company or organisation.
Check out social media sites like Twitter and LinkedIn for updates on industry-related topics as well as relevant news stories about companies with whom you are hoping to do business down the line (this is especially true if they have been mentioned in an article).
5) Keep up with what’s going on in the world.
As a professional, you need to keep up with what’s going on in the world. The best way to do this is by reading newspapers and magazines, watching the news on TV or streaming it online (if possible), listening to podcasts that discuss current events and sharing articles with your friends who also work in this field.
If you’re not sure how often you should be reading newspapers or magazines, try setting a goal: once per day for one month; twice per week for two months; etc., until it becomes habit-forming!
6) Join a professional association.
Joining a professional association is an excellent way to keep up with industry trends and share your knowledge. You can attend seminars and conferences, network with other professionals in your field, find out about new jobs and opportunities, and learn from other members of the association.
Are you ready to become a lifelong learner and to develop your career? Switching to a new suitable job is often a good step to take. Let experts at QTC Recruitment offer you personalised advice and guidance throughout this journey or check out our available opportunities here.
Published on Medium.com
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