Written by Manon - 2 Minutes reading time

Only half of the workers work full time in the Netherlands

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The Netherlands has a record number of 9.4 million workers. Half of them work part-time. And a third of them (about one and a half million people) work no more than twenty hours a week. This is evident from figures from the Dutch statistics agency CBS.

The number of people working in this country has been rising for ages, but so has the number of jobs. The country is known as a champion of part-time work and deserves that title, according to the figures. Of the 9.4 million people registered as employed in the first months of this year, just over 4.9 million are working full-time. Exactly 4.5 million workers do not.

The average number of hours which are worked is 32 hours a week. It is mainly young people (15 to 25 years old) who work few hours: an average of twenty a week. Employees between the ages of 45 and 55 work the most. The total number of workers in the Netherlands consists of 5 million men and 4.4 million women. 1.4 million of the men work part-time. On average, men work 36 hours a week.

Of the 4.4 million women, 3 million work part-time. Women have an average work week of 28 hours. Compared to a year earlier, the number of hours that women work has increased. That number decreased among men.

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Also Published On: nu.nl

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