Stijn Klokkemeijer
Senior Consultant | Food Sciences
"Of our four core values, "act as partners" suits me best. Clearly understanding the professionals is very important to be able to act as a good partner for both customers and professionals."
Outside of sales, helping people is an important thread in my career
Before I started my career at QTC, I was a car salesman for various brands and before that a salesman in men's fashion. Outside of sales, helping people is an important thread in my career. Buying a car or changing jobs is not something someone does regularly. Being able to help and advice with this is something that gives me a lot of energy.
Being able to provide clear advice is the main reason why I made the switch to recruitment. The work is more than sending people messages to see if they are open to a new challenge, it is in most cases a new step in someone's work career, and I think that is a great process to be part of.
The space and freedom to implement my own working models
Within the wide variety of activities, QTC also gives me the space and freedom to implement my own working models and plans. Because we specialize in life science, I speak to many professionals who share interesting stories and insights. Because QTC is so specifically committed to this sector and we often speak to the same type of professionals, we can clearly understand what is important to these professionals.
Creating value in Life Science
For me, the clear understanding of what is going on for professionals is the biggest addition within life science. If you speak to a lot of professionals, you become a professional yourself, to a certain extent. Only when you know what is important to people and companies can you do your work properly and add value.