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“When we found a new QA Specialist after six months of searching, he left after two months. After months of searching again, I contacted QTC Recruitment to do the job for us.” Bob Randshuizen, Product Manager at Interster International B.V. tells how the collaboration with QTC Recruitment went.
Started the search optimistically
“Our previous QA Specialist had a different job after years and therefore left. Because in my position, quite a lot of tasks in the field of quality and product management fall under me, a good QA Specialist is important. That person can take over many operational tasks, which frees up my hands for product management. So, we started the search optimistically and thought we could find a replacement ourselves. We had the vacancy on our website, on job board Indeed and we advertised via LinkedIn. The response we received to this was either not good or not present.
The right conditions
Because the QTC Recruitment consultant had previously approached me for a position, I knew they were working in the Medical Devices industry. I reached out to him but also to another recruitment organisation. That way I could compare the conditions of both parties. Because the other organisation gave a one-month guarantee and QTC Recruitment nine, the decision was made quickly for me.
A straight hit
Within a month, the consultant returned with candidate profiles. We were looking for someone who already had some management experience. Quality professionals are often very well-operational and finding a combination is therefore not that easy. The three candidates who came for an interview all had this. One candidate was a straight hit for us, he fit within our salary range and had all the competencies we were looking for.
Hand over
During the process, the consultant communicated clearly with us. He also listened to my needs in this. For example, he wanted to have contact every Friday, but that was not necessary for me. I only wanted to be updated when there was a significant process, and so he did. Furthermore, I gave him times when I was available for appointments and interviews, and he arranged for interviews to take place at those times. That way I could really hand it over. It is very nice when you give an assignment, and it is taken care of!”
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